Co-op Purchasing
What is cooperative purchasing?
Municipalities | Volunteer first aid and rescue squads |
Counties | County and state colleges |
School districts | Independent institutions of higher education |
Volunteer fire departments |
How to Join
Co-op Members are public educational institutions, public colleges or universities, community colleges, vocational or technical schools, municipal governments, and other governmental and quasi-governmental organizations.
Contracts awarded through cooperative pricing must meet the procurement laws of the State of New Jersey. When these laws are satisfied, an individual entity using these contracts is deemed in compliance with bidding regulations. As allowed by New Jersey statutes, the entity can issue purchase orders for any amount without the necessity to prepare their own RFP or gather necessary quotations. This saves the entity time and allows for economical and efficient purchasing.
There is no fee to join. Co-op Members enjoy a lifetime membership with no need to periodically renew. All MOESC Co-op Member applications are approved by the New Jersey State Department of Community Affairs. MOESC's State of New Jersey approved Co-op number is 289MOESC.
Download, sign, and return the Membership Agreement along with a certified resolution to Michelle Bangs:
Click here for a Google Doc version of the Membership Agreement (requires Google Sign in)
Click Here for a Google Doc version of the Resolution (requires Google Sign in)
What are the benefits of cooperative purchasing?
There are many benefits of cooperative purchasing which include:
Saving money – Cooperative purchasing contracts save money by providing volume driven cost reductions. By adding purchases to the state’s contract, the state has greater leverage to negotiate prices and product values.
Saving time – With this program, purchases can be made easily by issuing a purchase order to the state contract vendor, saving staff time and related expenses.
Offering product flexibility – State contracts have many qualified and approved vendors that offer a variety of goods and services, helping to deliver needs faster.
Receiving updates – Cooperative purchasing participants will receive regular updates about contract awards, development opportunities, and other helpful news.